Neo4j 4.0 is around the corner and I want to use SSIS with it. Can I?

By Charlotte

Yes! That’s the TL;DR; out of the way 🙂 The slightly longer version is that you need to use the version of the Neo4j SSIS Components. This is the main change to the components for – there are a couple of things tidied up and hopefully a smoother experience with the syntax highlighting…

Neo4j – SSIS – Connection Manager Love

By Charlotte

I’ve not written about the SSIS components for a bit, but I have been working on them – adding things, improving things. One area that was always very basic was the Connection interface. Or lack thereof – indeed the interface was basically just the properties pane of Visual Studio – mmmm Functional. Now though, you…

Neo4j & NiFi – Getting NiFi Running

By Charlotte

Another day, another ETL tool, this time Apache NiFi which is described as: An easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to process and distribute data. I’ve used SSIS and Kettle in the past, so I figured I’d be able to get this bad boy running easy enough – I mean – it’s ‘easy to…

Execute Cypher Task Updates

By Charlotte

Last week, Anabranch released version 1.1 of the tools for Neo4j – which included a very welcome addition to the toolset – being able to pull data from a Neo4j instance. After doing the demo post – I noticed a peculiarity – a quirk if you will with how the ‘Execute Cypher Task’ (see here)…

Using a Data Flow to move data **from** Neo4j in SSIS

By Charlotte

That’s right everyone! We’re going from Neo4j this time, and this is a new release, the old version ( didn’t have a ‘Neo4j as a Source’ component, does. In the last post we took data from a file and ingested it into Neo4j, so far so good – but one of the things we…

Neo4j & SSIS

By Charlotte

Neo4j and SSIS are awkward bedfellows – SSIS is Microsoft and has connectors to a plethora of database and technologies using ODBC, Web etc, and Neo4j is written in Java which provides a JDBC connection. SSIS however, does not work with JDBC. #badtimes Some of the clients I’ve worked with like using SSIS – (some…